Ebay Treasure!

Have you set up Ebay alerts for yourself yet???

It has worked some magic for me since I decided to try it out for myself. I put in a search for each of my most important places and surnames and have it sent to my genealogy email account. Granted, the results do pile up and about 95% of them are junk. But that remaining 5% for me have been so exciting! 

First, I came across a listing for a City Directory from the 1940's for a town where my ancestors lived. I was able to post about this find on the local historical society Facebook group where I had a full evening of doing look ups for commenters. Several of them were delighted to see their family member's name in the booklets. 

A few months ago, however I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw a notification that a letter from a man who lived in my hometown had been posted for just $20! I rushed to click on the link only to find that the auction had ended a week or so ago. I took a chance and messaged the seller, asking, "Hi! This is a letter from a man living in my hometown about 150 years ago....can I please buy this for the starting bid price??" I truly didn't know if the seller would even have it anymore or if he would actually be willing to sell to me for the lowest price he had listed. He was willing and the next thing I knew it was on its way to me! 

It showed up in great condition and the seller had done a fantastic job packaging it so it wouldn't bend or be exposed to any elements. Whew. Now it was time to see the dang thing in PERSON. 

It is written by a man named J.W. Cecil. He is writing to his parents still living back east in North Carolina about the possibility that they could be coming west as well. He reveals much about what life and the economy was like back in 1868 in the small town (my beloved hometown) of Fair Grove, Missouri. 

Please note the changes made in transcription of the letter: Punctuation is included to make sentences clear, misspelling is left to preserve the integrity of the author's voice, unknown letters/words are marked with a (?) after them to show a potential for misrepresentation. 

Transcription begins:

Fair Grove Greene County M.O. April 10th 1868

Dear Father and Mother I read yours and Wilson's letters some two weeks ago which was very thankfully read. I was glad to learn that you had concluded to leave Old N.C. which I think is a very wise conclusion. 

And as you have asked my advise relative to that and this state I will give it as my opinion without flattery. 

I think that any person can do better in this or any of the western states than in North Carolina from the fact that your state is worn out. Labor is worth but little and money scarce while here in the country labor is worth fifteen dollars per month. Corn is worth from 40 to 50 cts per bushel, Wheat from 1.5 or 1.75 cts per bushel, Pork since the war has been from 5 to 8 cts per lb. Irish potatoes you can generally get what you want for digging (?). Other vegetables u,uz (?), Cabbage, Turnips,  Beans,  Peas,  and so forth, grow in a bundance and as to fruit- South West Missouri can't be beat. There is Thousands of Bushels (Apples) here yet and will last two months yet. And as to land renting the third is ruleable (?) I never heard of any more being given.  Horses are worth from 75 to 150 Dollars. Good wagons are worth about 115 dollars. Good milk cows are worth from 20 to 30 dollars per head, Sheep from one dollar to $1.50 cts per head. And as to wagoning, there can be some money made at it and there is plenty of hauling to do. You can make from 30 to 40 dollars a trip and make the trip in seven days. Mr Gardner from near Possumtown is going to run his team all the time. This season he has three horses. After the land is broke, he makes the crop and his son runs the Wagon which you and Wilson could do the same. You wanted to know what time would suit best to moove fall or spring, always moove in the fall the roads is better and you can come cheaper in the fall. I do not want to purswade nor I do not intend to because you might moove here and not like the country. But I think it would be the best thing you could do for your Family. If you come I will do what I can for you towards getting a start for you. Mr. Clint Johnson from Thomasville is going to moove to this Co. this fall and if you conclude to come you can have company all the way. You would do well to go and see Mr. Johnson he can tell you all a bout this county for he was out here last fall and staid some time. 

Now I have given you my opinion and if you come let me know for I want to sell my land for some thing and I will make arrangement for you to sell or swap it for some thing a horse or some thing. A C Myres owes me for a saddle and bridle.

If you conclude to come write a mediately so that I can hove that business finished. I will close for the present. 


J. W. Cecil

P.S. I have a note on H. W. Wagner for $25.40 I wish you would find out whether it would be allowed yet or not - Tell me what has be come of Isiah Kennedy    Kmett(?) Morison

J, W, C,

J . W . Cecil 

Fair Grove Greene 


What treasures have you found on Ebay relating to family or your local history? What did you do with them after? 

I have already begun to reach out to the family of the man who wrote the letter and I'm currently waiting a response. As much as I love to know that I hold such an important part of my local history, my plan is to donate the letter to a local historical society that can take even better care of the item than I can. 

Love always and happy hunting, 



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